Codes of
The codes of "normality" is a project that came to be in order to protest
against the way femininity is being staged by the media. Posters, campaigns,
movies, all media communications show a certain way of how we are supposed
to be (codes of gender).

But more often then not, women are influenced by a hidden stream of messages
or 'codes' which silently teaches them femininity is being sexy, submussive and
unable to control any situation. These "codes" are so normal that we don't even
see the underlying meaning:
"They've become normal"
To create awareness about these codes and give, not only women, but every
recipient a tool to learn and protest against these codes the visual language
that brought you here was created.

Here you can learn their meaning and find out how you can join the cause
against these outdated media codes.
project by Savana Huissen -
How to join the movement